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Jumat, Mei 11, 2012

Audiometer otomatis berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S51

Otomatis Audiometer adalah aplikasi mikrokontroler dalam medis untuk menyelidiki ambang pendengaran dalam Hz 0 sampai 22.000 rentang frekuensi Hz dan dB -20 sampai 100 dB SPL jangkauan. Ini berjalan pada perangkat keras yang sangat sederhana, termasuk headphone, tekan tombol dan tidak memerlukan perangkat milik eksternal atau internal. Hal ini sangat tepat, mudah digunakan dan, karena stabilitas sirkuit digital, perlu dikalibrasi hanya sekali.

Otomatis Audiometer akan meningkatkan frekuensi dan SPL setelah pasien tidak mendengar apa pun dari headphone. Jika pasien mendengar suara dari telepon kepala, kemudian Poli harus menekan tombol untuk menunjukkan bahwa Dia mendengar suara dari headphone, dan mikrokontroler secara otomatis akan meningkatkan frekuensi ini akan terjadi sampai 8k Hz, maka SPL wil desibel peningkatan ..

;  Automatic AUDIOMETER 
;  by : Triwiyanto
;; Prosedur operasi
;R0 = to save  transfer data Frequency
;R1 = to save  transfer data Decibel
;R2 = to save data Counter Down in  Convert Data DB dan Frequency subroutine
MUX                equ P0 ; 
DAC_Prnt        equ P2 ;
ttombol              bit P3.2 ; INT0 = interupsi dari tombol pasien
DataFreq         equ 30h; RAM location for Data Frequency
DataDb            equ 31h; Ram location for DataDB
Count200         equ 32h;RAM location for counter 200 
CounterDFreq equ 36h;RAM location for Counter Frequency
CounterDDB    equ 37h;RAM location for counter DB
;40h s/d 4fh data array for frequency
;50h s/d 5fh data array for decibel
          org 00h
sjmp   Start
          org 03h ; interrupt external 0 address 
ljmp Xternal_Interupsi_0; jump to subroutineinterrupt external 0 address INT0
           org 0bh ;  timer interrupt 0 address
ljmp Timer_Interupsi_0 ; jump to  timer interrupt 0 TF0
           org 13h;  no interrupt 
           org 23h;no interrupt
Start:     call Init_Interupsi_Xternal_Timer; call timer external interrupt
           Setb TR0                                   ; timer 0 run 
           mov DataFreq,#0         ;initiate data datafreq=0
           mov CounterDFreq,#40h   ;RAM location for DFreq -> address 40h
           mov CounterDDB,#50h     ;RAM location for DDB-> address 50h
           Clr A
           mov DPTR,#DataDecibel   ;save address DataDecibel in DPTR
           Movc A,@A+DPTR          ;look up table and take to A
           Mov DataDB,A            ;saving data A to DataDB
;As you see in this subroutine. program will stack to this subroutine
; and jumps out to the others subroutine if there is an interruption 
           mov MUX,DataFreq    ; Choosing address in  Multiplexer 4051
           mov DAC_Prnt,DataDb ; Outputing data to  DAC
           sjmp Forever        ;  Program will hang to this routine
           jnb P3.2,$                                     
           call Simpan_DataDBdanDataFreq
           Mov Count200,#20   ;After interruption Xternal happen, Counter Down Timer will be Reset 
           call Inc_Freq      ;call  subroutine increment Frequency 
           Clr A
           inc DPTR       ;Increment ROM Address Data Decibel
           movc A,@A+DPTR ;look up table data ROM and save to A
           cjne A,#'S',SendDb;Compare A and 'S' character if not equal will jump to SendDb
           call inc_Freq    ;if A = 'S' then call subroutine inC_Freq
           mov DataDB,A        ;save data A in DataDB
           inc DataFreq    ;Increment dataFreq this increment will happen if  DataDb in maximum limit 
           mov A,DataFreq  ;save dataFreq to A
           cjne A,#7,GO_Inc;Compare A and #7,ifnotequalthen jump to Go_inc 
           Clr TR0         ;Shutdown Timer 0
           Clr EA          ;Shutdown all Interrupt
quit:     sjmp quit
           clr A                                  ; 
           mov DPTR,#DataDecibel ;look up tabel Datadecibel from ROM
           movc A,@A+DPTR
           mov DataDB,A 
Timer_Interupsi_0:                ;This interruption will happen every 0.05s and must be reload
           mov tl0,#0afh          ; by loading data 3CAFh to TL0 and TH0 will create an interruption 
           mov th0,#03ch          ;to TF0 every 0.05 second. 
           djnz Count200,EndIntr  ;Counter down = 200 x 0.05s = 10 detik
           mov Count200,#20 ;If there is no interruption external then DataDB  
                                                                           ;or DataFreq will increment every 10 second
           call Inc_DB_Fr_Xternal ;
           mov R0,#40h
           mov R1,#50h
           mov Count200,#200   ; initiate for interruption every 10 second
           mov tl0,#0afh
           mov th0,#03ch
           mov TMOD,#00000001b ; mode 1 timer 0 16 bit
           setb ET0                          ; Enable timer 0 interrupt
           Setb IT0   ;Activate negative transition interrupt external 0
           Setb EX0 ;Activate external interrupt 0
           Setb EA   ;Master Enable All Interrupt
           Setb PX0 ;First Interrupt for External Interruption 
           mov R0,CounterDFreq
           mov R1,CounterDDB 
           mov @R0,DataFreq      ;saving dataFreq to RAM
           mov @R1,DataDb         ;saving dataDb to RAM
           inc CounterDFreq          ;increment Address RAM for Frequency
           inc CounterDDB            ;increment Address RAM for Frequency
        DB 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,'S'

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